KAT Automotive or "K"evin, "A"mber & "T"ara Den Hoed Truly is a Family
Kevin Den Hoed RSE
Kevin has been in the Automotive Repair Industry for over 30+ years and in this time Kevin has worked at smaller Independent Shops, he has worked at Dealerships and gained his Master Technician, Diesel Technician Status, Taught the Automotive Journeyman Repair Apprenticeship Program at S.A.I.T ( Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) for 8+ years only leaving Teaching when COVID Struck & forced Kevin away from the school, however he saw the opportunity to continue working in the Automotive Repair Industry, with the added benefit of helping our community & our family and friends. After a few quick upgrades to the shop, purchase & delivery of some much needed tools we finally were given the green light by the MD of Foothills having obtained all current Required business licenses, Insurance, A.M.V.I.C Licensed & Membership to the Local Chamber of Commerce. KAT Automotive was Legally Born!!
Tara Den Hoed
Tara is just about done High School and will Graduate in the 2023/2024 School Year. Tara often helps out in the office when she hasn't got a bunch of homework to worry about, Tara does lots of data entry, paper work etc. and she helps to make sure that the invoices and bills are all entered into our software system. Tara also is in charge of the Social Media for KAT and helps make sure that we are keeping as current as we can and reaching all the potential KAT customers, Tara also makes sure that our employees get to have some fun once in awhile- be it setting up a Just Dance battle between our apprentices at lunch, making the Odd Tik Tok or just having some laughs Tara is an Important part of KAT and always will be- in fact the initial reason we started KAT was to help put away some extra money for Tara's Hockey and Post Secondary aspirations, and we grew from there. Regardless of where Tara's life takes her for School she will always be a big part of KAT- When Tara isn't at home working with us in the garage, doing school work she can be found at the Hockey Rink playing on the U18 Elite team, or helping Amber Coach a younger female division team, recently she has started working as a goalie coach or volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Tara is looking to continue her education in Post Secondary planning to hopefully work in the field of Psychology Helping others.
Missy Chapman
Seth Brown
Automotive Service Technician-Apprentice
Completed 1st Term
Abby Wolsey
Automotive Service Technician
Completed 1st Term
Missy began working at KAT Automotive in August of 2023 to help us out when she is available. Missy Originally was coming to help out while Seth was in school and we were down a technician to help keep the work load distributed evenly.
Missy brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the shop as she has worked in this industry for several years, Missy was actually one of Kevin's Students for her 4th Term at SAIT- "A few Years ago"- Missy like Kevin has worked in the Dealership side of the industry as well as working as a mobile Mechanic. Aside from her quick Wit & Strong work ethic Missy also brings something that KAT was missing which is a knowledge of European Vehicles which has been nice for our locals who we normally don't work on as much!! We are hoping that we can entice Missy to staying on once Seth is back from School as we know we can use her hand skills and knowledge in the shop but she also really "Fits" in with the group and the friendly banter, music and overall shop Atmosphere is definitely one that promotes team work, high work drive, and overall "Fun" When she is not at the Shop, or working on vehicles Missy dedicates her time to her Family, and her charitable work helping out Women's shelters who get to benefit from her Other Hobby which is Couponing.- Missy has 2 wonderful young daughters and they are her main focus- As they SHOULD be and we are hoping that she will be able to give us a couple days a week starting in November!! |
Seth began working with KAT Automotive in June of 2022. Seth has been a huge help at KAT and has instantly fit into our Family driven Company. Seth has a passion for anything with an engine- Building and fixing is own vehicles growing up & building and modifying vehicles to work for his family and friends. Seth graduated from the Foothills Composite High School and he took part in the Mechanics classes there, it is evident that he must have paid attention in school because he has very good hand skills and basic Knowledge, Seth takes a common sense approach to his work and is very teachable and wants to learn. Seth will be headed to S.A.I.T for the September Class of his 1st year of the Automotive Journeyman Program!! Seth is actually one of our neighbor's and attended the same school as Tara years ago and surprisingly he also attended high school with our other Apprentice Abby. Seth likes to design & build High end Custom Bluetooth Speakers on his days off, Hang out with Friends & family, go Dirt Biking, Off Road & 4X4ing in different types of vehicles, pretty much anything to do with vehicles. Seth is first to offer to stay late to help get vehicles done and to help out when another tech needs help.
Abby joined the KAT Family in November of 2022 she has fit in instantly with everyone and brings with her a love for the Automotive Repair industry, & a huge desire to be a great Mechanic. Abby also Attended and graduated from the Foothills Composite High School and again is a graduate of the Automotive Mechanics course at that High School- She credits her teacher there for helping encourage her to be the strong, resilient and knowledgeable person that we know today, in fact she even overlapped a year in the program with Seth!! Abby brings a fresh Outlook and and Up beat attitude when at work and can fit in great while working & joking with the Guys!!! Abby is headed to school in July 2023 and she just craves learning and expanding her knowledge when it comes to fixing cars. Like Seth we see Big things for her in the future. On her time off Abby likes to head to the Gym, hang out with friends, listen to Classic Rock music, spend time with her cat and dream about her next Tattoo & when she can she love to go thrifting for clothing and shoes- Abby is an avid collector of Memorabilia from her favorite bands. Abby is spontaneous and Generous and wants to fix your car correctly. We look forward to watching her career evolve
We are so lucky to have the employees that we do at KAT Automotive as they all work hard to make sure that the customer leaves KAT Automotive happy!! Everyone works so well together and lifts each other up and helps one another learn everyday.